Magnetism is a fascinating invisible force – it influences the environment around it. A magnet is a material that can pull certain types of metal towards itself. Unlike many other forces ...
For the average New Zealander, transport contributes 90% of their personal, direct carbon dioxide emissions. People who drive to work or school can reduce their own emissions by around 20% simply ...
New Zealand’s native freshwater fish are unique – 51 of the 54 species are only found here in New Zealand. However, when asked to name a freshwater fish species, most people will first name an ...
The whio/blue duck is one of New Zealand’s rarest and most endangered endemic ducks in mainland New Zealand. It is an iconic species and appears on the $10 note. The whio’s scientific name is ...
Dr Mark Jermy and his team are using the Canterbury University wind tunnel to analyse airflow and drag as high-speed wind moves over cyclists. For cyclists to reach their potential, each one ...
The word geothermal comes from two Greek words – ‘geo’ meaning of the Earth, and ‘thermal’ meaning heat. Therefore, geothermal energy is energy produced from the heat of the Earth. If we took a ...
Biotechnology has helped improve the quality of people’s lives for over 10,000 years. Today’s biotechnologies vary in application and complexity. However, they all have potential to change our ...
Games have long been used for developing both skills and knowledge in the education sector. As digital technologies continue to develop, the range of digital learning games also continues to ...
Aotearoa New Zealand is fortunate to have a huge diversity of marine habitats and an extensive coastline – about 15,000 km in length! More than 75% of the population lives within 10 km of the ...
In this unit, students develop their knowledge of transgenics so they can formulate an argument and make ethical decisions about using transgenic cows to make medicines to treat human diseases ...
Adaptation Futures is the flagship event of the United Nations World Adaptation Science Programme (WASP). The premier international climate change adaptation conference series enables ...
The New Zealand Archaeological Association (NZAA) is working to increase public awareness and highlight the importance of protecting our archaeological heritage by promoting the work of New ...
The International Congress of History of Science and Technology, held every four years, is the world’s premier meeting for history of science and technology. The 27th Congress will be held as a ...
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