Justice of the Peace

Public Justice of the Peace sessions 

To find up to date information about JP availability in Dunedin  Royal Federation of NZ Justices Association

A Justice of the Peace service is normally available:

  • City Library (First Floor) each Monday from 4.30pm - 7pm, every Friday from 10am until 12.30 pm and every Saturday from 11.30am - 1.30pm.
  • Mosgiel Library each Wednesday 11am - 1.30pm.
  • South Dunedin Pop-Up Library each Tuesday from 11am - 1pm and every Thursday, 1pm - 3pm.
  • Port Chalmers each Friday from 11am - 1pm.

Some documents can take a considerable time to process, e.g. permanent residency, so please make an appointment with a JP rather than attend a Library clinic.

Find a JP

Service Desk for Otago (Dunedin)